Valletta Summit on Migration
Summit held in MaltaThe Valletta Summit on Migration, also called the Valletta Conference on Migration, was a summit held in Valletta, Malta, on 11–12 November 2015, in which European and African leaders discussed the European migrant crisis. The summit resulted in the EU setting up an Emergency Trust Fund to promote development in Africa, in return for African countries to help out in the crisis.
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Island country in Southern Europe
Geography of Malta
Island in Europe
Capital Radio Malta
Radio station in Valletta, Malta
Mediterranean Conference Centre
Hospital (now conference centre) in Valletta, Malta
Nibbia Chapel
Church in Valletta, Malta
Church of St Nicholas, Valletta
Church in Valletta, Malta
Church of St Mary Magdalene, Valletta
Church in Valletta, Malta
Basilica of St Dominic, Valletta
Church in Valletta, Malta